Move to QML
Since the last posting we properly set up deployment of Cordova Qt for MeeGo Harmattan (e.g. the Nokia N9 phone). We also got Qt 5 packages including WebKit built for MeeGo Harmattan and tested it on a Nokia N9. Incidently, a big PR1.2 software update rolled out this week for MeeGo Harmattan phones.
Both the Qt 4 and Qt 5 versions now use a QML WebView as there is no support for widgets on some mobile platforms. However, Symbian S60 systems may still be using Qt 4.6 which doesn't support QML so it looks like we still need to maintain a widget-based version for these systems.
More of the team got commit access to github. There is is now an "upstream" repository that is getting updates from git hub.
WebKit has a useful debug tool called Web Inspector. You can enable it with a setting and access it from the right click menu. Unfortunately, on a touch screen device there is no right click. After a little research we came across a solution for this - someone developed support for a remote web inspector called Weinre. It seems to work well. You can run the inspector on a another machine, like a desktop, where you have a keyboard and more screen space to work with.
On the API side we are currently implementing Notifications, Camera, Media, Capture and Contacts.
The Raspberry Pi project started taking orders this week. I have a voucher from Nokia for a Raspberry Pi board that was designated for use with this project. I will redeem it as soon as the Raspberry Pi site is fully back up and taking orders. Hopefully it will get shipped soon (there is a build of 10,000 units on the way) and I can try it out with QtonPi.