February 2017

ICS Newsletter - February 2017
10 Keys to Ensuring Success for Your Next Qt Project

10 Keys to Ensuring Success for Your Next Qt Project

Live webinar: Thursday, February 23, 1 pm EST
Before starting any software development project, there are some things you should know — before you code. In this webinar we will explore the use of the right people and the right tools and then cover the top 10 things you need to know before using Qt. Register Now >>

Justin NoelWelcome to ICS' February Newsletter

Welcome to the February edition of ICS’ newsletter, packed with information and insight to help you maximize your success. What kind of information? For starters, I’ve updated and enhanced my popular webinar 10 Keys to Ensuring Success for Your Next Qt Project, which we’ll be presenting on February 23. Look for the link above to register.

We’re also offering an on-demand webinar on UX design for software engineers, as well as one focused on auto media management and IVI. The links appear below. What else will you find in this issue? Articles on creating QML controls, integrating Python-based widgets into Qt Designer, pieces on design leadership and an assortment of valuable training classes and events.


Justin Noel, Senior Qt Consulting Engineer, ICS

Qt Training

Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices

March 27 – 31, Houston, TX
This hands-on, five-day course teaches participants how to use Qt and Qt Quick to develop modern applications for embedded systems and touchscreens. Each student will work on his own real development board.  Enroll Now >>

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: User Experience Design for Software Engineers

This webinar will provide an introduction to User Experience (UX) design, specifically focusing on issues that software engineers encounter. Attendees will receive an overview of the UX process, highlighting several best practices. Download Now >>

Integrating a Python-based Custom Widget into Qt Designer

Integrating a Python-based Custom Widget into Qt Designer

Want to create a widget with a Qt Designer plugin interface so it can be viewed within Qt Designer? Check out this walk through. Read More >>

Creating QML Controls From Scratch

Creating QML Controls From Scratch

In this first installment of the QML Controls From Scratch series we'll create our first control: Button. Read More >>

Programming with Qt for Desktops, April 3 – 7, Sunnyvale, CA

Programming with Qt for Desktops, April 3 – 7, Sunnyvale, CA

This introduction to Qt programming primarily focuses on using Qt Widgets and associated development tools, such as Qt Designer and Qt Creator. Students experience the challenges of cross-platform development with exercises that involve porting applications from Windows to MacOS. Enroll Now >>

Does Your Company Embrace Design Thinking?

Does Your Company Embrace Design Thinking? Here's Why It Should

Powerful design extends beyond the product to the entire enterprise. Learn how design leadership can deliver better products. Read More >>

ICS' Head of UX Answers Your Questions

ICS' Head of UX Answers Your Questions

Participants in ICS’ recent webinar UX Design for Software Engineers posed a slew of interesting questions. Here, ICS Director of User Experience Jeff LeBlanc tackles a few. Read More >>

Upcoming Events

Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices, April 24 – 28, Waltham, MA

This hands-on, five-day course teaches participants how to use Qt and Qt Quick to develop modern applications for embedded systems and touchscreens. Each student will work on his own real development board. Enroll Now >>

Webinar: Automotive Media Management in Future IVI Systems, April 26, 1 pm EDT

In this webinar we will outline an architecture for automotive media management that addresses the challenges of having media in a multitude of forms that originate from many disparate sources, as well as demonstrate a Qt-based implementation. Register Now >>