Qt World Summit 2018
As a gold sponsor, ICS is bringing our expertise to The Qt World Summit in Boston this October. We're offering a variety of pre-conference training sessions on everything from Introduction to QML to UX Design for Embedded Devices. Learn More >>
Welcome to ICS' August Newsletter
As summer fades, our attention turns to the Qt World Summit, set for Oct. 29-30 in Boston. We have a full slate of intriguing pre-conference training sessions planned for the summit. I’ll also be giving a talk on proven ways to avoid most of the obstacles that can derail your efforts when developing a product or application.
To help you solve complex work problems in the meantime, this August issue is jam-packed with interesting content. You can read about input masks and validators in the QML environment, the rise of the natural user interface, and the ease of building cross-platform software. And don’t miss part 2 of our Qt Developer’s Bag of Tricks ebook. You also can take advantage of a number of ICS training opportunities, including OpenGL with Qt and Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices, as well as check out our library of on-demand Qt and UX webinars.
So enjoy one last barbecue or trip to the beach before back-to-school fully takes hold. And make plans to catch us at the Qt World Summit. Hope to see you in Boston in October!
Peter Winston, CEO, ICS

eBook: The Qt Developer's Bag of Tricks, Part 2
Part 2 of ICS' latest eBook dives into memory/resource leak detection tools, embedded tools, simulators, IDEs and more! Download Now >>

Training: State-of-the-Art OpenGL with Qt
Sunnyvale, CA: Sept. 17 - 21 & Nov. 5 - 9
This course provides an introduction to modern OpenGL using programmable shader pipelines. It introduces the use of the Qt framework for infrastructure and support to quickly achieve highly efficient and visually appealing interactive graphics applications. Enroll Now >>

Building Cross-Platform Software is Easy
Sure, it used to be impossible. You had to decide on your platform upfront and build to that platform. But these days, you can build your app and then decide which platforms to deploy it to. Read More >>

A Look at Input Masks and Validators in the QML Environment
In the two-part Qt Basics blogs, we look at Qt's support for input masks and validators. Today we look at how these features are supported from QML. Read More >>

What’s a Natural User Interface and Why Should I Care?
If you use NUI principles to design a touch interface you'll get better results than if you default to GUI principles. Read More >>

Training: Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices
Waltham, MA: September 24 - 28
We've extended the early-bird rate for a limited time for our hands-on, five-day course, which teaches participants how to use Qt and Qt Quick to develop modern applications for embedded systems and touchscreens. Enroll Now >>

Meet Qt
ICS is joining The Qt Company in Palo Alto, CA (Sept 11) and Dallas, TX (Sept 20) for a Meet Qt seminar. Connect with fellow Qt users and hear ICS discuss and show the integration of Amazon Alexa into Qt on our IVI media manager and cockpit control system. Read More >>

Learning Design from a 4-Year-Old
Why are fire trucks red? Why not green? As a designer, you must always keep an open mind. Read More >>
Upcoming Events
CppCon 2018 — September 23 - 29, Bellevue, WA
Stop by ICS' table at CppCon 2018, the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering of the C++ community. Learn More >>
Autotech Council Science Fair — October 1, Mountain View, CA
Find out how ICS has integrated Alexa into our IVI system at Silicon Valley's annual hands-on expo for cutting-edge automotive and mobility innovation. Register Now >>