March 2017

ICS Newsletter - March 2017

eBook: Accelerating Product Innovation with the Right Development Team

With the rise of the IoT, advances in machine learning, expanding applications for artificial intelligence, and similar disruptions, it’s clear that technological innovation is accelerating at warp speed. But with innovation comes risk. In this new ebook from ICS, Founder and CEO Peter Winston shows you how to manage risk in software product development. Based on insight and best practices gleaned from three decades on the front lines, Winston details critical issues to consider and lays out steps to take to cross the finish line. Download Now >>

Welcome to ICS' March Newsletter

Product development is a risky endeavor. Planning for the unknowns, assembling the right team and hitting the market while opportunity still exists are all critical to the success of any project. ICS' latest ebook offers tips intended to point you in the right direction as you innovate. You can read it here.

Also in this March issue of ICS Insights, you’ll find interesting perspectives on design leadership, helpful webinars on IVI, Qt and QML programming, and a selection of other content intended to help you in your job.


Peter Winston, CEO, ICS

Live Webinar: Automotive Media Management in Future IVI Systems

April 26, 1 pm EDT
We'll outline an architecture for automotive media management that addresses the challenges of having media in a multitude of forms that originate from many disparate sources, as well as demonstrate a Qt-based implementation.  Register Now >>

Programming with Qt for Embedded Devices

April 24 – 28, Waltham, MA
This hands-on, five-day course teaches participants how to use Qt and Qt Quick to develop modern applications for embedded systems and touchscreens. Each student will work on a real development board. Enroll Now >>

Getting Started With Qt and Qt Creator on MacOS

We've shown you how to set up Qt and Qt Creator on Windows and Linux systems. Here's a look at installation on MacOS. Read More >>

On-Demand Webinar – 10 Keys to Ensuring Success for Your Next Qt Project

In this webinar, we explore the use of the right people and the right tools, as well as the top 10 things you need to know before using Qt. Download Now >>

Design Cues for Navigating Large-Format Touchscreens

When designing for large-format touchscreens, ensure the user can understand immediately how to navigate. Read More >>

How to Create a Culture That Values Customer Empathy

To become a more design-driven company, like Apple or Intuit, you need the right policies in place. Read More >>

Creating QML Controls from Scratch

In this first installment of the QML Controls from Scratch series we'll create our first control: Button. Read More >>

Upcoming Events

Programming with Qt for Desktops, May 1 - 5, Sunnyvale, CA

This is a five-day, in-depth introduction to Qt programming, primarily focused on using Qt Widgets and associated development tools, such as Qt Designer and Qt Creator. Students will experience the challenges of cross-platform development with exercises that involve porting applications from Windows to MacOS (or vice versa). Enroll Now >>

State-of-the-Art OpenGL & Qt, May 8 – 12, Sunnyvale, CA

This hands-on course provides an introduction to modern OpenGL using programmable shader pipelines. It introduces the use of the Qt framework for infrastructure and support to quickly achieve highly efficient and visually appealing, state-of-the-art, interactive graphics applications. The class covers basic topics, such as handling of geometry, graphics pipeline and transformations, as well as advanced topics, such as vertex, fragment and geometry shaders and their applications. Enroll Now >>