Voice Recognition

  • The Qt Speech module was introduced in Qt 5.8.0. I made a blog post at that time (June 2017), looking at how it provided cross-platform support for text-to-speech. With the Qt 6.0.0 release, Qt Speech was one of the modules that were no longer available. In the upcoming Qt 6.4.0 release, it is…

  • A glance around any ER, OR or hospital ward and it’s clear that touchscreen technology plays a prominent role in patient care. From AEDs to infusion pumps, most of these highly sensitive and often lifesaving devices are controlled by a user interface (UI) that requires it to be touched by a human…

  • There’s a common theme running through technology: new things come onto the market and everyone says “That’s the next best thing!” But then it isn’t. Well, at least not right away. It takes time for people to understand the new technology, and as that happens the tech starts to get used in…

  • Summer is rolling right along, and so are the attempts to simulate some of Tony Stark’s lifestyle here at ICS.  A while back, I wrote about trying to create our own version of Jarvis here at ICS.  We got a fair distance and demonstrated our results during the ICS QuickStarts earlier in…
