The Raspberry Pi Camera Module

In this post we'll look at the Raspberry Pi camera module, a low cost hardwar module that supports still picture and video recording.

Building Qt 5 on Raspberry Pi

This is a HOW TO guide for building Qt 5 for the the Raspberry Pi, and building and deploying Qt 5 apps using Qt Creator.

Please, may I have another slice of Raspberry Pi...

About three weeks ago, Nokia arranged for ICS to gain access to the Raspberry Pi board so that we could help with an exploratory open source effort to get Qt working on this platform. That is how I got my chance to hack some code for this amazing board. The idea was to get a bleeding edge version of Qt 5 to run and to experience first hand hardware accelerated QSceneGraph based QML. And indeed bleeding edge it is - but also blazing fast. Now, first things first:

Qt 5 + Raspberry Pi Demo

Here's a video of my colleague, Roland Krause, demonstrating Qt 5 + Raspberry Pi at Qt Dev Days in Munich. Stop by our booth in San Francisco next week to see it first hand...and for your chance to win one of your very own!

Raspberry Pi is Shipping

The Raspberry Pi boards are now shipping in volume from the distributors and unboxing videos are showing up all over the Internet.

If you were one of the winners of a board from ICS you should have received an e-mail today with the details on how to redeem your voucher. If not, check your spam filter (we've had some reports of the e-mails being marked as spam).