4 new releases including Qt 6.4.3

Qt 6.4.3, Qt Creator 10 RC, Qt Installer Framework 4.5.2 & Qt Design Studio 4.0 releases out now. Plus, call for presentations for Qt World Summit 2023 is open.

Qt Creator 10 Beta2 is here

Qt Creator 10 Beta2 now available! Check out the latest features and improvements for this release in the link provided by the Qt team.

Released: Qt Creator 10 Beta

New releases from Qt! Check out Qt Creator 10 Beta and Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 in the links provided for the latest features and improvements.

Prep for Qt 6.5 Beta3 has started

Exciting news from Qt! Beta3 of Qt 6.5 and the last release of the 6.4 series, Qt 6.4.3, are both expected in the next week or two. Learn more!