Qt 6.5 Beta2 now available

Qt 6.5 Beta2 is out now and ready to install through the online installer! Try out the latest features and improvements.

5 new releases, including Qt 6.4.2

Discover the latest Qt releases: Qt 6.4.2, Qt 5.15.12 LTS for commercial customers, Qt 5.15.8 for open source users, Qt 6.2.7 LTS and Qt 6.5 Beta1!

Qt Creator 9.0.1 & two other new releases

Discover the latest releases from Qt! Qt Creator 9.0.1, Qt Installer Framework & Online Installer 4.5.1, and Qt Design Studio 3.9 are out now.

Qt for MCUs 2.2.3 now available

Qt for MCUs 2.2.3 is out now! Check out the latest release with new features and bug fixes for MCU development.

Qt 6.4.1 has been released

New Releases: Qt 6.4.1 and Qt Design Studio 3.8 are out! Check out the release notes and download them today.