Building an Embedded Application with Qt: Free Hands-on Virtual Training
This virtual training will teach you how to build a Qt application for an embedded device on a Raspberry Pi board. We will give you a thorough understanding on how to use QML and the Qt API to create an application from an empty screen to a full graphic user interface. Seats are limited! Enroll Now >>
Welcome to ICS' June Newsletter
The pandemic hasn’t slowed operations at ICS one bit. In fact, we’re busier than ever working on customer projects and developing interesting content to keep you informed. This month we’re sharing details on learning opportunities designed to keep you on top of your game, including our upcoming embedded training program (delivered virtually) and two live webinars (Machine Learning in Medical Devices and Communication Patterns for Distributed Services). Also in this issue are two more installments in our Creating QML Controls from Scratch series, the latest update on ICS’ efforts to build a low-cost ventilator, a UX-themed blog on the value of high-fidelity prototypes and an article on common safety strategies used by medical device designers and manufacturers.
One more thing: if your project is using Qt 5.9 (or earlier), consider porting your code to Qt 5.15 before June slips away since Qt 5.9 is no longer being supported. Qt 6.0 is on the near horizon and the historical trend shows that major Qt releases require significant effort — much more than when simply re-compiling new minor releases. That's why we're encouraging our customers to move to at least Qt 5.15 to smooth the transition. We can help you with this. More details inside.
Mark Hatch, COO, ICS

Live Webinar: Machine Learning in Medical Devices — June 18
Join ICS and BlackBerry QNX for this webinar where we'll outline the key strategies and illustrate how manufacturers can pursue AI and Machine Learning while balancing the needs of safety with this new paradigm. Register Now >>

Live Webinar: Communication Patterns for Distributed Services — June 25
This webinar will leverage ZeroMQ, an embeddable networking library that acts like a concurrency framework, and present established communication patterns to solve different tasks, from IPC to P2P and from pub-sub to gossip networks. Register Now >>

ICS Works with Non-Profits to Develop Low-Cost Ventilators
Project RED asked us to create the UI for their ventilator, targeted at hospitals in South America, Africa, India and other developing regions that can't afford the high cost of existing commercial ventilators. Read More >>

Get Ready for Qt 6.0
ICS is offering a free Code Migration Assessment to help you prepare for the move from Qt 5.9 to Qt 6.0. We recommend getting your code to build cleanly on Qt 5.15 to help ensure that it is following Qt best practices and will be ready for Qt 6! Learn More >>

Creating QML Controls From Scratch: TimePicker
TimePicker lets you select hours, minutes and am/pm. Read More >>

Creating QML Controls From Scratch: DatePicker
DatePicker allows the user to select any year, month or day. Read More >>

6 Common Safety Principles to Make Medical Devices Safe
We take a look at common safety strategies used by medical device designers and manufacturers in this article in Today's Medical Developments. Read More >>

High-Fidelity Prototypes are Essential When Designing Embedded and IoT User Experiences
High-fidelity prototypes shrink development risk and lead to better design outcomes. Read More >>